Wednesday, November 21, 2007


*HELP, I'm A Rock*
It's a drag being a rock. I would like to be anything, but a rock. Heck, I would even like to become a...

Is how it begins. State of becoming? Or, stasis. One looks at patterns in a world history; situations that don't appear to be anything but reruns, or spin-offs. Or remakes, different actors, same roles. One day at my yahoo home page, I saw a list:

Top 10 Battles for the Control of Iraq

Same as it ever was...
Even a cursory look @ this, and ya gotta wonder about a couple of things: have the people making decisions re: Iraq and 'war on terra' read this history? and, more abstractly, is this *history* a kind of long drawn-out screenplay, or game? There is an awful lot of Same as it Ever Was to this business.

Anyway, Help, I'm Iraq. It's a drag being...

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